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Phone: +420 731 888 111 (RECEPTION)

Opening hours
Monday - Sunday: 7:00AM - 10:00PM

Top tenis s.r.o.

Blažimská 1781/4
149 00 Praha 4
Reg. No.: 24848000

The company is recorded at the Commercial Register kept by the Prague Municipal Court section C, file 180015

Bank account: 43-9426250227/0100

Tennis reception is located inside the hotel next to the entrance to the tennis double hall.

Public Transportation

  • stop Knovízská Bus 115 (from the stop Chodov) – 150 m to the courts
  • stop Městský archív Bus 115 (from the stop Chodov) – directly in front of hotel
  • stop Chodovec Bus 125, 136, 170, 213, 293 – 400 m by foot around the Archiv hl.m. Prahy
  • stop Benkova Bus 170, 197 – 350 m

Transportation by car

Entrance to the center is through a gate from Blažimská St. - signs Recepce jih (across from the Archiv hl.m. Prahy). Parking for center visitors is free presuming that the car will  be parked on the upper parking lot above the tennis courts (in the winter season above the triple hall Other parking areas of Top Hotel are not free of charge.


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